Product Focus

New Firmware for SmartCNX

A new software version, H6.01, for the SmartCNX controller is now available. This software corrects a problem where a correctly wired and operational 10k external entrapment sensor may prevent the gate from operating. This problem is uncommon and intermittent but could be exacerbated by temperature extremes. Read the complete bulletin here.

2022-07-15T17:42:52+00:00May 7, 2020|HySecurity, Product Focus|

High Security is Within Reach

DoorKing MIFARE Card Readers are available for those applications that require a higher level of security than standard proximity card readers and cards offer. MIFARE cards are programmed with a unique identifier, making them extremely secure and difficult to duplicate. And, since the DoorKing Card Reader outputs the card code [...]

2022-07-15T17:50:46+00:00April 29, 2020|DoorKing, Product Focus|
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