
Solutions for your Entire Perimeter

HySecurity believes that security doesn't need to place a burden on everyday movements. Their StrongArm M30/M50 and HydraWedge SM50 solutions secure vehicle access points while permitting the free flow of traffic. Bollards do the same for pedestrian traffic, permitting free movement while protecting from accidental and malicious threats. Together they [...]

2022-07-19T21:15:59+00:00August 22, 2019|HySecurity, Product Focus|

SlideSmart DC Installation

HySecurity gate operators secure the world’s critical infrastructure and key assets where ultimate reliability is vital. SlideSmart DC delivers that same uncompromising quality to commercial customers, where ease of use, consistent operation, low maintenance, long life and high reliability is expected. […]

2022-07-19T20:43:29+00:00August 16, 2019|HySecurity, Product Focus|

Part Number Change for Hy5B

HySecurity has made a change to the Hy5B that requires a new part number. Effective immediately please order MX4621 rather than MX4125. The new detectors are marked “Hy5B 2.0”. HySecurity’s new SmartCNX controller will operate at a lower voltage than Smart Touch and Smart DC controllers. To be compatible, the [...]

2022-07-19T19:08:37+00:00May 23, 2019|Announcement, HySecurity|

All New CNX Gate Operators

This new generation of electromechanical operators raises the bar for capability and ease of use. It's the first new product since HySecurity merged with Nice, and it includes the best technology from both companies plus an all new phone app for installers that provides everything needed to set up and [...]

2022-07-19T17:45:37+00:00April 22, 2019|HySecurity, Product Focus|

Price Increase

New prices for Nice/HySecurity go into effect on May 1, 2019. Also note, Nice/HySecurity have split their price book into two separate books to make it easier to find products and pricing. Products have been separated in an Industrial/Crash book, and a Residential/Commercial book. New price books and Excel spreadsheets [...]

2022-07-19T17:22:44+00:00March 22, 2019|Announcement, HySecurity, Nice Group|
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