
Pricing Changes for 2019

FAAC and Magnetic would like you to note that there has been an average 2-2.5% price increase on all part numbers due to rising material costs slated for 2019. There are some spare parts that also had to increase above the 2.5%. They have also added some new products for [...]

2022-07-19T16:01:27+00:00December 19, 2018|Announcement, FAAC|

Important Pricing Notification

As you know, LiftMaster has been able to offer you the best possible pricing for the technologically advanced products they offer. However, despite their cost containment efforts, and because the rate of technology continues to accelerate, they are required to increase prices, effective January 1, 2019. An average price increase [...]

2022-07-19T15:54:15+00:00November 20, 2018|Announcement, LiftMaster|

Price Increase

FAAC and Magnetic AutoControl branded products have announced an average price increase between 2%-2.5%, effective 1/1/2019. This action is the effect of a continuing rise in the costs of raw materials and inflation in the market today. They have invested efforts to minimize the impact to their customers. There may [...]

2022-07-19T15:52:04+00:00November 12, 2018|Announcement, FAAC|

BFT Moving Schedule

BFT Americas, Inc will be moving to their new larger offices and warehouse on Friday, October 26th, thru Monday, October 29th. Shipping and receiving will be shut down during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. They are projected to resume normal operations on Tuesday, October 30, [...]

2022-07-19T15:27:43+00:00October 26, 2018|Announcement, BFT|

BFT is on the Move

BFT Americas, Inc will be moving to larger offices and warehouse on October 26th. Below is their new address, so please make sure to update your records. Phone numbers will remain the same. BFT Americas, Inc 1200 SW 35th Ave Boynton Beach, FL 33426

2022-07-19T15:20:01+00:00October 17, 2018|Announcement, BFT|
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